Tutorial on the Snowcat❄🐱 Type Checker

Difficulty: Blue trail – Easy

Revision: August 24, 2022

In this tutorial, we introduce the Snowcat ❄ 🐱 type checker. We give concrete steps to running the type checker and annotating a specification with types.

This tutorial uses Type System 1.2, which guarantees safe record access. To see how to upgrade to Type System 1.2, check Migrating to Type System 1.2.

Related documents


We assume that you have Apalache installed. If not, check the manual page on Apalache installation. The minimal required version is 0.29.0.

Running example: Lamport's mutex

As a running example, we are using the specification of Lamport's Mutex (written by Stephan Merz). We recommend to reproduce the steps in this tutorial. So, go ahead and download the specification file LamportMutex.tla. We will add type annotations to this file. Let's rename LamportMutex.tla to LamportMutexTyped.tla.

Step 1: Running Snowcat

Before we start writing any type annotations, let's run the type checker and see, whether it complains:

$ apalache-mc typecheck LamportMutexTyped.tla

The tool output is a bit verbose. Below, you can see the important lines of the output:

PASS #1: TypeCheckerSnowcat
 > Running Snowcat .::.                                           
Typing input error: Expected a type annotation for VARIABLE clock

Step 2: Annotating variables clock, req, ack, crit

In Step 1, Snowcat complained about the name clock. The reason for that is very simple: clock is declared as a variable, but Snowcat does not find a type annotation for it.

The comment next to the declaration of clock does not tell us precisely what clock should be:

  clock,    \* local clock of each process

Let's dig a bit further and check TypeOK, which is usually a good source of type hints in untyped specifications:

TypeOK ==
     (* clock[p] is the local clock of process p *)
  /\ clock \in [Proc -> Clock]
     (* req[p][q] stores the clock associated with request from q received by p, 0 if none *)
  /\ req \in [Proc -> [Proc -> Nat]]
     (* ack[p] stores the processes that have ack'ed p's request *)
  /\ ack \in [Proc -> SUBSET Proc]
     (* network[p][q]: queue of messages from p to q -- pairwise FIFO communication *)
  /\ network \in [Proc -> [Proc -> Seq(Message)]]
     (* set of processes in critical section: should be empty or singleton *)
  /\ crit \in SUBSET Proc

This is better, but we have to figure out the types of Proc and Clock. Let's have a look at their definitions.

Proc == 1 .. N
Clock == Nat \ {0}

From the definitions of Proc and Clock, it is clear that they are both subsets of integers. We could annotate these two definitions with the type Set(Int), but this is not necessary, since Snowcat will infer these types itself.

Together with TypeOK, this gives us enough information to annotate all but one variable (we will annotate the variable network later):

  \* @type: Int -> Int;
  clock,    \* local clock of each process
  \* @type: Int -> (Int -> Int);
  req,      \* requests received from processes (clock transmitted with request)
  \* @type: Int -> Set(Int);
  ack,      \* acknowledgements received from processes
  \* @type: Set(Int);
  crit,     \* set of processes in critical section

In our type annotations:

  • clock belongs to the set [Proc -> Clock]. Hence, it is a function of integers to integers, that is, Int -> Int.

  • req belongs to the set [Proc -> [Proc -> Nat]]. Hence, it is a function of integers to functions of integers to integers, that is, Int -> (Int -> Int).

  • ack belongs to the set [Proc -> SUBSET Proc]. Hence, it is a function of integers to sets of integers, that is, Int -> Set(Int).

  • crit is a subset of Proc, so it is a set of integers, that is, Set(Int).

Note: We place the annotation for clock between the keyword VARIABLES and clock, not before the keyword VARIABLES. Similarly, we added a type annotation immediately above every other variable name.

We used the one-line TLA+ comment for clock:

\* @type: Int -> Int;

Alternatively, we could use the multi-line comment:

 Clock is a function of integers to integers.

 @type: Int -> Int;

Note: Importantly, every type annotation must end with a semicolon ;.

Let's run the type checker again:

$ apalache-mc typecheck LamportMutexTyped.tla
Typing input error: Expected a type annotation for VARIABLE network

Not surprisingly, the type checker tells us that we still have to annotate the variable network.

Step 3: Annotating the variable network

Let's have a look at the operator TypeOK again:

TypeOK ==
     (* clock[p] is the local clock of process p *)
  /\ clock \in [Proc -> Clock]
     (* req[p][q] stores the clock associated with request from q received by p, 0 if none *)
  /\ req \in [Proc -> [Proc -> Nat]]
     (* ack[p] stores the processes that have ack'ed p's request *)
  /\ ack \in [Proc -> SUBSET Proc]
     (* network[p][q]: queue of messages from p to q -- pairwise FIFO communication *)
  /\ network \in [Proc -> [Proc -> Seq(Message)]]
     (* set of processes in critical section: should be empty or singleton *)
  /\ crit \in SUBSET Proc

From this we can see that network is a function of integers to a function of integers to a sequence of messages. So its type should look like:

Int -> (Int -> Seq(/* message type */))

But what is the message type? To find out, we have to continue our archaeology trip and check the definition of Message and related operators:

ReqMessage(c) == [type |-> "req", clock |-> c]
AckMessage == [type |-> "ack", clock |-> 0]
RelMessage == [type |-> "rel", clock |-> 0]

Message == {AckMessage, RelMessage} \union {ReqMessage(c) : c \in Clock}

From these four definitions, we can see that Messages is a set of records that have two fields: the field type that should be a string, and the field clock that should be an integer. In Apalache, we write such a record type as:

{ type: Str, clock: Int }

Hence, the type of network should be:

Int -> (Int -> Seq({ type: Str, clock: Int }))

We could write it as above, but that type is a bit hard to read. Hence, we split it into two parts: the type alias message that defines the type of messages, and the type of network that refers to the type alias message. This can be done in the following way:

  \* @typeAlias: message = {
  \*     type: Str,
  \*     clock: Int
  \* };
  \* @type: Int -> (Int -> Seq($message));
  network   \* messages sent but not yet received

Note: We are lucky that ReqMessage, AckMessage, and RelMessage are producing records of the same shape. In some specifications, the shapes of records differ, while these records should be added to the same set. This is a bit problematic for the type checker, as it expects set elements to have the same type. In this case, we have three options:

  • Slightly rewrite the specification to homogenize records,

  • Partition the set of messages into several sets, see Idiom 15, or

  • Use variants. This is a more advanced topic, see the HOWTO on writing type annotations.

Now we should run the type checker again:

$ apalache-mc typecheck LamportMutexTyped.tla
Typing input error: Expected a type annotation for CONSTANT maxClock

The type checker is still not happy: We have not annotated CONSTANTS.

Step 4: Annotating constants

Now we have to figure out the types of the constants: N and maxClock. This is fairly easy, as these constants are accompanied by the two assumptions:

ASSUME NType == N \in Nat
ASSUME maxClockType == maxClock \in Nat

From these assumptions, we can conclude that both N and maxClock are integers. We add the type annotations:

    \* @type: Int;
    \* @type: Int;

Let's run the type checker once again:

$ apalache-mc typecheck LamportMutexTyped.tla
 > All expressions are typed
Type checker [OK]

Snowcat is happy, and so we are too!


To see the complete code, check LamportMutexTyped.tla. We have added seven type annotations for 184 lines of code. Not bad.

It was relatively easy to figure out the types of constants and variables in our example, though it required some exploration of the specification.

As a rule, you always have to annotate constants and variables with types.

Hence, we did not have to run the type checker seven times to see the error messages. The type annotations are useful on its own, since we do not have to traverse the spec to figure out the types of constants and states. Our more engineering-oriented peers find these annotations to be quite important.

Sometimes, the type checker cannot find a unique type of an expression. This usually happens when you declare an operator of a parameter that can be: a function, a tuple, a record, or a sequence (or a subset of these four types that has at least two elements). For instance, here is a definition from GameOfLifeTyped.tla:

Pos ==
    { <<x, y>>: x, y \in 1..N }

Although it is absolutely clear that x and y have the type Int, the type of <<x, y>> is ambiguous. This expression can either be a tuple <<Int, Int>>, or a sequence Seq(Int). In this case, we have to help the type checker by annotating the operator definition:

\* @type: () => Set(<<Int, Int>>);
Pos ==
    {<<x, y>>: x, y \in 1..N}

Since it is common to have operators that take no arguments, Snowcat supports the following syntax sugar for operators without arguments:

\* @type: Set(<<Int, Int>>);
Pos ==
    {<<x, y>>: x, y \in 1..N}

Further reading

For more advanced type annotations, check the following examples:

We have not discussed type aliases, which are a more advanced feature of the type checker. To learn about type aliases, see HOWTO on writing type annotations.

If you are experiencing a problem with Snowcat, feel free to open an issue or drop us a message on Zulip chat.