Idiom 15: Replace sets of mixed records with disjoint unions

Message sets are canonically modeled as sets of records with mixed types. While the current type system supports this, in the future, Apalache is likely going to change support for these kinds of sets and implement stricter type-checking. See this issue for a discussion. This document aims to provide instructions for users to migrate their specs to maintain type compatibility in the future (and improve the performance and robustness of current specs in the present).

The common approach

Apalache allows mixed sets of records, by defining the type of the set to be Set(r), where r is the record type which contains all the fields, which are held by at least one set member. For example:

{ [x: Int], [y: Str] }

would have the type Set([x:Int,y:Str]). The only constraints Apalache imposes are that, if two set elements declared the same field name, the types of the fields have to match. Consequently, given

A == { [x: Int, z: Bool], [y: Str, z: Bool] }
B == { [x: Int, z: Bool], [y: Str, z: Int] }

A is considered well typed, and is assigned the type Set([x:Int, y:Str, z:Bool]), whereas B is rejected by the type checker.

The treatment of record types was implemented in this fashion, to maintain backward-compatibility with specifications of message-based algorithms, which typically encoded different message types as records of the shape [ type: Str, ... ], where all messages shared a disambiguation filed (commonly named type), the value of which described the category of the message. Additional fields depended on the value of type. The bellow snippet from Paxos.tla demonstrates this convention:

\* The set of all possible messages 
Message ==      [type : {"1a"}, bal : Ballot]
           \union [type : {"1b"}, acc : Acceptor, bal : Ballot, 
                 mbal : Ballot \union {-1}, mval : Value \union {None}]
           \union [type : {"2a"}, bal : Ballot, val : Value]
           \union [type : {"2b"}, acc : Acceptor, bal : Ballot, val : Value]

Ultimately, this approach both disagrees with our interpretation of the purpose of a type-system for TLA+, as well as introduces unsoundness, in the sense that it makes it impossible, at the type-checking level, to detect record-field access violations. Consider the following:

\E m \in Message: m.type = "1a" /\ m.mbal = -1

As defined above, messages for which m.type = "1a" do not define a field named mbal, however, the type of Message is Set([type: Str, ..., mbal: Int, ...]), which means, that m is assumed to have an mbal field, typed Int. Thus, this access error can only be caught much later in the model-checking process, instead of at the level of static analysis provided by the type-checker.

The proposed changes

This section outlines a proposed migration strategy, to replace such sets in older specifications. The convention presented in this section works with both the current version of Apalache, as well as the next iteration of the type-checker, currently in development.

Suppose we use messages with types t1,...,tn in the specification and a message set variable msgs, like in the snippet below:

  \* @type: Set( [ type: Str, x1: a1, ..., xn: an, ... ] );


\* Assuming S1: Set(a1), ..., Sn: Set(an) 
\* @type: Set( [ type: Str, x1: a1, ..., xn: an, ... ] );
Message ==      [type : {"t1"}, x1: S1, ...]
           \union  ...
           \union [type : {"tn"}, xn: Sn, ...]

TypeOk: msgs \subseteq Message

We propose the following substitution: Instead of modeling the union of all messages as a single set, we model their disjoint union explicitly, with a record, in the following way:

\* @type: [ int: Set([x: Int]), str: Set([y: Str]) ];
Messages == [ 
              t1: [x1: S1, ...],
              tn: [xn: Sn, ...] 

This way, Messages.t1 represents the set of all messages m, for which m.type would have been equal to "t1" in the original implementation, that is, [type: {"t1"}, x1: S1, ...]. For example, assume the original specification included

Messages == [type: {"t1"}, x: {1,2,3}] \union [type: {"t2"}, y:{"a","b","c"}]

that is, defined two types of messages: "t1", with an integer-valued field "x" and "t2" with a string-valued field "y". The type of any m \in Messages would have been [type: Str, x: Int, y: Str] in the old approach. The rewritten version would be:

Messages == [ t1: [x:{1,2,3}], t2: [y:{"a","b", "c"}] ]

If we took m: [ t1: Set([x: Int]), t2: Set([y: Str]) ], m would be a record pointing to two disjoint sets of messages (of categories "t1" and "t2" respectively). Values in m.t1 would be records with the type [x: Int] and values in m.t2 would be records with the type [y: Str].

Note, however, that this approach also requires a change in the way messages are added to, or read from, the "set" of all messages (m is a record representing a set, but not a set itself, in the new approach). Previously, a message m would be added by writing:

msgs' = msgs \union {m}

regardless of whether m.type = "t1" or m.type = "t2". In the new approach, one must always specify which type of message is being added. However, the type no longer needs to be a property of the message itself, i.e. the type field is made redundant.

To add a message m of the category ti one should write

msgs' = [ msgs EXCEPT !.ti = msgs.ti \union {m} ]

Similarly, reading/processing a message, which used to be done in the following way:

\E m \in msgs:
  /\ m.type = "ti"
  /\ A(m)

is replaced by

\E m \in msgs.ti: A(m)


Below, we demonstrate this process on a concrete specification: The old approach:

------------------------------- MODULE MsgSetOld ------------------------------

    \* @type: Set( [ type: Str, x: Int, y: Str ] );
    \* @type: Bool;
    \* @type: Bool;

Ints == {1,2,3}
Strs == {"a","b","c"}

\* @type: () => Set([ type: Str, x: Int, y: Str ] );
Messages == [ type: {"int"}, x: Ints ] \union [ type: {"str"}, y: Strs ]

Init == 
    /\ msgs = {}
    /\ found3 = FALSE
    /\ foundC = FALSE

Send(m) == msgs' = msgs \union {m}
Rm(m) == msgs' = msgs \ {m}

AddIntMsg == 
    /\ \E v \in Ints: 
        /\ Send( [type |-> "int", x |-> v] )
    /\ UNCHANGED <<found3, foundC>>

CheckIntMsg == 
    /\ \E m \in msgs:
        /\ m.type = "int"
        /\ found3' = ( m.x = 3 )
        /\ Rm(m)
    /\ UNCHANGED foundC

AddStrMsg == 
    /\ \E v \in Strs: 
        /\ Send( [type |-> "str", y |-> v] )
    /\ UNCHANGED <<found3, foundC>>

CheckStrMsg == 
    /\ \E m \in msgs:
        /\ m.type = "str"
        /\ foundC' = ( m.y = "c" )
        /\ Rm(m)
    /\ UNCHANGED found3

Next ==
    \/ AddIntMsg
    \/ CheckIntMsg
    \/ AddStrMsg
    \/ CheckStrMsg

TypeOk == msgs \subseteq Messages


The new approach:

------------------------------- MODULE MsgSetNew ------------------------------

    \* @type: [ int: Set([x: Int]), str: Set([y: Str]) ];
    \* @type: Bool;
    \* @type: Bool;

Ints == {1,2,3}
Strs == {"a","b","c"}

\* no annotation required
Messages == [ 
              int |-> [x: Ints],
              str |-> [y: Strs]

Init == 
    /\ msgs = [ int |-> {}, str |-> {} ]
    /\ found3 = FALSE
    /\ foundC = FALSE

\* @type: ([x: Int]) => Bool; 
SendInt(m) == 
    msgs' = [msgs EXCEPT !.int = \union {m}]

\* @type: ([x: Int]) => Bool; 
RmInt(m) == 
    msgs' = [msgs EXCEPT !.int = \ {m}]

\* @type: ([y: Str]) => Bool;
SendStr(m) == 
    msgs' = [msgs EXCEPT !.str = msgs.str \union {m}]

\* @type: ([x: Int]) => Bool; 
RmStr(m) == 
    msgs' = [msgs EXCEPT !.str = msgs.str \ {m}]

AddIntMsg == 
    /\ \E v \in Ints: 
        /\ SendInt( [x |-> v] )
    /\ UNCHANGED <<found3, foundC>>

CheckIntMsg == 
    /\ \E m \in
        /\ found3' = ( m.x = 3 )
        /\ RmInt(m)
    /\ UNCHANGED foundC

AddStrMsg == 
    /\ \E v \in Strs: 
        /\ SendStr( [y |-> v] )
    /\ UNCHANGED <<found3, foundC>>

CheckStrMsg == 
    /\ \E m \in msgs.str:
        /\ foundC' = ( m.y = "c" )
        /\ RmStr(m)
    /\ UNCHANGED found3

Next ==
    \/ AddIntMsg
    \/ CheckIntMsg
    \/ AddStrMsg
    \/ CheckStrMsg

TypeOk == 
    /\ \subseteq
    /\ msgs.str \subseteq Messages.str


Note that the new approach, in addition to being sound w.r.t. record types, also typically results in a performance improvement, since type-unification for record sets is generally expensive for the solver.